Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Tips for Collecting Movie Memorabilia

Whether you adore the cinema or have inherited a collection of movie posters and celebrity autographs, collecting movie memorabilia can be both fun and profitable. The wide world of movie memorabilia includes everything from movie posters to Oscar statuettes, and has engaged thousands of collectors. Unfortunately, it also has attracted more than its share of con artists and swindlers. If you’re going to be a savvy shopper with a valuable collection, it’s important to follow some simple advice from experienced collectors of Hollywood memorabilia.
It’s easy to get distracted when you’re collecting items in such a wide field, but the most valuable collections – and those that are the most fun to pursue – are those that have a strong focus. Your focus can be on a particular genre of film, a particular franchise, a specific actor or a type of collectible, but the focus will help you build a meaningful collection. Keep in mind that the popularity of a film doesn’t necessary translate into value – but value isn’t the only reason for collecting movie memorabilia. If you love Jack Sparrow, you’ll want a Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Man’s Chest to fill out your collection of Pirates movie posters.
Check the Signatures
Old time Hollywood autographs are notorious for being fakes – not so much because of unscrupulous sellers and forgers, but because it was typical for the film industry to employ secretaries for the specific purpose of signing “celebrity” autographs. Modern movie star autographs are more likely to have been signed by the star. Even so, it’s always a good idea to have the signature authenticated by an expert.
More than a Certificate of Authenticity
While it’s nice to have a Certificate of Authenticity, the COA is only as good as the certifying authority. If you’re buying from a dealer, research his company’s reputation before buying any movie memorabilia, and avoid those dealers with a poor reputation. In addition, ask about the item’s provenance, or history. Items that include a letter from an expert or a list of previous owners will always have more value than those that have nothing but a “Certificate of Authenticity.”
Avoid Restoration
If you get your hands on a genuine Star Wars poster or James Bond poster in less than pristine condition, don’t try to restore it or get it restored. Restoration used to be popular, particularly where movie posters are concerned. These days, collectors are more interested in authenticity, including all the blemishes the piece of movie memorabilia may have acquired over the years. Prevent further damage with good framing and storage, but don’t attempt any restoration.
Movie memorabilia is a popular hobby, and shows like “Storage Hunters” and “Storage Wars” are making it even more popular. If you decide you want to take up collecting, take precautions to make sure everything you buy is authentic.

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